Our Products : Bhansali Grading System


The four main characteristics of Diamond, popularly known as 4c’s are Carat, Color, Clarity and Cut. But there are other sub characteristics of the Diamond which are also very important. We accurately provide detailed grading of 15 such grades to make it easy and accurate for the customers to make a buying decision.

A. Carat      
1. Carat weight      

One of the most essential characteristic of diamond is its weight giving the measure of its size, measured in ‘carats’ and ‘cents’. One carat equals to 100 cents and approx. equal to 0.2 gm. More the size of the diamond goes up; rarer it becomes and hence the value goes up.

Size Carat Weight
- 0.30 0.180 - 0.299
+ 0.30 0.300 - 0.399
+ 0.40 0.400 - 0.499
+ 0.50 0.500 - 0.699
+ 0.70 0.700 - 0.899
+ 0.90 0.900 - 0.999
+ 1.00 1.000 - 1.499
+ 1.50 1.500 - 1.999
+ 2.00 2.000 - 2.999
+ 3.00 3.000 - 3.999
+ 4.00 4.000 and more
B. Color      
1. Color      

Yet another important characteristic of a Diamond is Color. A diamond’s color grade is based on how noticeable the color is, also known as the depth of the color. Colorless diamonds are rarer and hence more valuable.
We divide standard color grades into three grades adding better and lower grades making it more precise i.e., “F” color is divided into “F+”, “F” and “F-”.

Color Color Description
D Color less
D -
E +
E -
F +
F -
G +
Color Color Description
G Near colorless
G -
H +
H -
I +
I -
J +
J -
K +
Color Color Description
K Faint
K -
L +
L -
M +
M -
2. Color Shade

Most commonly found diamonds have yellow shade or tinge. Sometimes diamond show different tinge like brown, pink etc., depending on presence of Nitrogen or Boron atoms in the diamond structure. We provide the information about the shade of the diamond along with the color.

Color Shade Shade Description
WH White
OW Off White
YL Yellow
BR Brown
YBR Yellow Brown
GRY  Grey
GRN Green
PNK Pink
FNC Fancy
3. Fluorescence

Fluorescence is emission of light under ultraviolet radiation. Fluorescence may also affect brilliance and color appearance of the stone.

Fluorescence Fluorescence Description
Non None
Fnt Faint
Med Medium
Stg Strong
Vst Very Strong
C. Clarity      
1. Clarity      

Clarity is relative freedom from inclusions (inside) and blemishes (surface). Generally inclusions have more influence on diamond’s clarity. These inclusions are graded under 10x magnification in standard lighting conditions.
We divide conventional clarity grades into better and lower grades making it more precise i.e., “VS2” clarity is divided into “VS2+”, “VS2” and “VS2-” .

Clarity Clarity Description
FL Flawless
IF Internally Flawless
VVS 1 Very Very Slightly Included
VS1 + Very Slightly Included 1
VS2 + Very Slightly Included 2
VS2 -
SI1 + Slightly Included 1
SI1 -
Clarity Clarity Description
SI2 + Slightly Included 2
SI2 -
SI3 + Slightly Included 3
SI3 -
I1 + Included 1
I1 -
I2 + Included 2
I2 -
2. Luster

We refer to Luster as amount of overall brilliance coming out from the Diamond. This gets affected mainly due to certain type of inclusions like heavy cloud.

Luster Luster Description
EX Excellent
VG Very Good
GD Good
M1 Slight Milky
M2 Medium Milky
M3 Heavy Milky
3. Table Inclusion

This explains inclusion on the table as compared to the total inclusion in the stone.

Table Inclusion Table Inclusion Description
T0 Almost no table inclusion
T1 Very small table inclusion
T2 Small table inclusion
T3 Medium table inclusion
T4 Almost all table inclusion
4. Black Inclusion (black position)

This explains nattical or black inclusion in the stone compared to total inclusion in the stone. We also provide its position for reference.

Black Inclusion Black Inclusion Description
B0 Almost no black inclusion
B1 Very small black  inclusion
B2 Small black inclusion
B3 Medium black  inclusion
B4 Almost all black  inclusion
Black Position Black Position Description
T Black on table
S Black on side
TS Black on Table & Side
(more on table)
ST Black on Side & Table
(more on side)

When an inclusion is opening on the surface, we provide this grade separately for all three different locations in the stone i.e., Table Open, Crown Open and Pavilion Open.

a. Table Open
Table Open Table Open  Description
NN None
VS Very small
SM Small
MD Medium
LG Large
VL Very large
b. Crown Open
Crown Open Crown Open  Description
NN None
VS Very small
SM Small
MD Medium
LG Large
VL Very large
c. Pavilion Open
Pavilion Open Pavilion Open  Description
NN None
VS Very small
SM Small
MD Medium
LG Large
VL Very large
6. Eye Clean

We grade diamonds for its visibility of inclusion with naked eye. When inclusions are not visible with naked or untrained eye, we call it E1 which is almost 100% Eye Clean.
When some of the inclusions are barely visible with naked eye, we call it E2 or 80% Eye Clean.
When inclusions are visible with naked eye, we call it E3 or No Eye Clean.

Eye Clean Grades Eye Clean Description
E1 100% Eye Clean
E2 80% Eye Clean
E3 No Eye Clean
D. Cut      
1. Shape      

Diamonds can be cut into various shapes. Round Brilliant Cut is the most popular and commonly manufactured shape. All shapes other than Round are called Fancy Shapes. Though Round is our largest manufactured shape, we also manufacture Fancy shapes namely Princess, Pear, Heart, Oval, Marquise and Emerald.

Shapes Shapes Description
Round Round Brilliant
PR Princess
PE Pear
HE Heart
OV Oval
MQ Marquise
EM Emerald
2. Cut

Cut is an overall result of the angles and relative measurements. A diamond’s cut effects its light reflection and hence its overall appearance. Cut also determines diamond’s relative size (diameter) for a given weight.

Cut Grades Cut  Description
ID Ideal
EX Excellent
VG Very Good
GD Good
FR Fair
3. Polish

Polish is a result of polishing process of the diamond. Polish is determined by mainly surface characteristics (blemishes) of the stone. As a thumb rule, better the polish, more the surface reflection is.

Polish Grades Polish Description
EX Excellent
VG Very Good
GD Good
FR Fair
4. Symmetry

Symmetry is evenness of diamond’s shape and its facets. Better symmetry results in better light behavior. Better symmetry also shows better craftsmanship.

Symmetry Grades Symmetry Description
EX Excellent
VG Very Good
GD Good
FR Fair
5. Hearts & Arrows

We grade diamonds for Hearts & Arrows (H&A). VG is our highest grade for H&A where all eight hearts and Arrows emerge to near perfection. We would say it is 90-100% H&A.
GD is our grade where all eight Hearts and Arrows are formed in the stone but may have minor imperfections in some of them. We would say it is 80-90% H&A.

H&A Grades H&A Description
VG Very Good
GD Good